Friday, July 18, 2008

The Jonas Letters: Joe

This is dedicated to the Jonas Brothers.
Some friends and I have major O.J.D. [Winnie and I don't have as much as Gabii and Elyssa.] We wrote letters using all or their song tittles that we could think of. We bold the songs that we use. I write the letters from Joe, Winnie writes from Kevin, Elyssa writes for Nick [w/help from me], and Gabii writes for Mandy [we only use her because it's a song title.] These letters are completely fictional. As you read these, pretend to think of them reading it. First letter is from Joe.
I hope you enjoy it.


Hello Beautiful,
When you look me in the eyes, I feel like...I like you [even if we're just friends] It was 6 minutes past 7:05 when it was time for me to fly to the year 3000. I decided to scream in Hollywood, "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas!!!" That's when I saw you for the first time. You walked past me and spoke as you looked over you shoulder, "Take a breath." Then you were gone. I just realized that you went to my school the moment you were out of my sight. I thought to myself I gotta find you. Searching for you started to become what I go to school for. I began to play my music. coincidentally the song was We've Got the Party With Us. I heard a voice singing along behind me. I turned around to see you singing with me. "We Rock!" You smiled so bright. A month later at lunch, by our hang out tree, the American Dragon came swiftly and red-eyed. I thought this guy was supposed to be good. I guess not. "You poor unfortunate souls!!! I can't wait to taste your blood!" After his "evil" cackle I chose to step up a little bit. "I AM WHAT I AM! I AM PART OF THE KIDS OF THE FUTURE! If you really want to know..I WANT TO BE LIKE YOU!!! I wanted to be a hero. I guess you have 'gone to the dark side"...OMG!!! WHAT IF ALL THE SUPERHEROS ARE GOING EVIL...AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I know you wanted to help me. I heard you say, "Hold on!" You tried to give me a hug. "Hey, we're gonna be alright." I got out of you hug and stood up. "This is REAL, this is ME!!!! and WE are about to DIEEEE!!! I NEED to send an S.O.S. NOW!!!!" By this time you probably thought I was creepy. By the way, "trying" to calm me down at that point wouldn't have worked. Saying just wait a little bit longer pushed me over the edge of sanity. I had kept all my feelings for the last week to myself and I was burning up! I'm sorry that I exploded in your face but I was panicking. "Stop playing these GAMES! My heart is already broken by you. I asked you 'Don't take my heart and put it on a shelf.' The thing is that YOU DID! Two days after I met you. I said 'Dear God, help me to find Mandy and asked her to please be mine. I need your help because I had bit by the Love Bug...' You started to push me away ever since you met Kevin. I tried to move on, but I CAN'T!!! So just a reminder: I'm still in love with you. Now it's time for me to say goodnight and goodbye.

Open the fridge and eat a chicken,

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